
Handles the list of files which are desired to be packed into the BSP.

class srctools.packlist.FileType(value)

Bases: Enum

Different kinds of files for Source, mainly to indicate resources to pack.

If this represents a specific file type, the value is the extension. Otherwise, it’s an arbitrary integer.


Arbitrary file type.


Script file containing soundscripts.


world.blah sound - lookup the soundscript, and raw files.



The name of a particle system.


A particle collection file.


Squirrel VScript file.


Classname of another entity that this entity includes. This is only permitted in the FGD file.


Name of a function to call defined inside the packlist module.


Randomised generic chunk gibs. This corresponds to g_PropDataSystem.GetRandomChunkModel().


A script file loaded for weapons, referencing models and sounds.

MATERIAL = 'vmt'

Material file.

TEXTURE = 'vtf'

VTF texture, implicitly looks for .hdr.vtf too.

CHOREO = 'vcd'

Choreographed scenes.

MODEL = 'mdl'

Source model, implies the vtx, vvd, phy files too.

class srctools.packlist.FileMode(value)

Bases: Enum

Mode for files we may want to pack like soundscripts or particles.

UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
INCLUDE = 'include'
PRELOAD = 'preload'
EXCLUDE = 'exclude'

Return if this file should be packed into the map.


alias of FileMode

class srctools.packlist.PackFile(
type: FileType,
filename: str,
data: bytes | None = None,
optional: bool = False,

Represents a single file we are packing.

data is raw data to pack directly, instead of from the filesystem.

property virtual: bool

Virtual files do not exist on the file system.

class srctools.packlist.PackList(fsys: FileSystemChain)

Represents a list of resources for a map.

filenames() Iterator[str]

The filenames of all packed files.

filename: str,
data_type: FileType = FileType.GENERIC,
data: bytes | None = None,
skinset: Set[int] | None = None,
optional: bool = False,
) None

Queue the given file to be packed.

If data is set, this file will use the given data instead of any on-disk data. The data_type parameter allows specifying the kind of file, which ensures it can be treated appropriately.

If the file is a model, skinset allows restricting which skins are used. If None (default), all skins may be used. Otherwise, it is a set of skins. If all uses of a model restrict the skin, only those skins need to be packed. If optional is set, this will be marked as optional so no errors occur if it isn’t in the filesystem.

inject_file(data: bytes, folder: str, ext: str) str

Inject a generated file into the map and return the full name.

The file will be named using the format “INJECT_<hex>”. If the same file is requested twice (same folder, extension and data), only one will be included.

inject_vscript(code: str, folder: str = 'inject') str

Specialised variant of inject_file() for VScript code specifically.

This returns the script name suitable for passing to Entity Scripts.

pack_soundscript(sound_name: str) None

Pack a soundscript or raw sound file.

particle_name: str,
preload: bool = False,
) None

Pack a particle system and the raw PCFs.

pack_breakable_chunk(chunkname: str) None

Pack the generic gib model for the given chunk name.

file: File[Any],
always_include: bool = False,
) Iterable[Sound]

Read in a soundscript and record which files use it.

If always_include is True, it will be included in the manifests even if it isn’t used.

The sounds registered by this soundscript are returned.

filename: str,
mode: FileMode = FileMode.UNKNOWN,
) Iterable[Particle]

Read in the specified particle system and record the particles for usage checking.

load_soundscript_manifest(cache_file: Path | str | None = None) None

Read the soundscript manifest, and read all mentioned scripts.

If cache_file is provided, it should be a path to a file used to cache the file reading for later use.

load_particle_manifest(cache_file: Path | str | None = None) None

Read the particle manifest, and read all mentioned scripts.

If cache_file is provided, it should be a path to a file used to cache the file reading for later use.

write_manifest() None

Deprecated, call write_soundscript_manifest().

write_soundscript_manifest() None

Produce and pack a soundscript manifest file for this map.

It will be packed such that it can override the master manifest with sv_soundemitter_flush.

write_particles_manifest(manifest_name: str) None

Write a particles manifest, so that used particles can be loaded.

pack_from_bsp(bsp: BSP) None

Pack files found in BSP data (excluding entities).

vmf: VMF,
mapname: str = '',
tags: Iterable[str] = (),
) None

Analyse the map to pack files, using an internal database of keyvalues.

bsp: ~srctools.bsp.BSP, *, whitelist: ~typing.Iterable[~srctools.filesys.FileSystem[~typing.Any]] = (), blacklist: ~typing.Iterable[~srctools.filesys.FileSystem[~typing.Any]] = (), callback: ~typing.Callable[[str], bool | None] = <function PackList.<lambda>>, dump_loc: ~pathlib.Path | None = None, only_dump: bool = False, ignore_vpk: bool = True,
) None

Pack all our files into the packfile in the BSP.

The filesystem is used to find files to pack. First it is passed to the callback (if provided), which should return True/False to determine if the file should be packed. If it returns None, then the whitelist/blacklist is checked. Filesystems must be in the whitelist and not in the blacklist, if provided. If ignore_vpk is True, files in VPK won’t be packed unless that system is in allow_filesys. If dump_loc is set, files will be copied there as well. If only_dump is set, they won’t be packed at all.

eval_dependencies() None

Add files to the list which need to also be packed.

This requires parsing through many files.

srctools.packlist.unify_path(path: str) str

Convert paths to a unique form.

srctools.packlist.entclass_canonicalize(classname: str) str

Canonicalise classnames - some ents have old classnames for compatibility and the like.

For example func_movelinear was originally momentary_door. This doesn’t include names which have observably different behaviour, like prop_physics_override.

Deprecated:Use EntityDef.engine_def(), then check if the entity is an alias.
srctools.packlist.entclass_canonicalise(classname: str) str

Canonicalise classnames - some ents have old classnames for compatibility and the like.

For example func_movelinear was originally momentary_door. This doesn’t include names which have observably different behaviour, like prop_physics_override.

Deprecated:Use EntityDef.engine_def(), then check if the entity is an alias.
srctools.packlist.entclass_packfunc(classname: str) Callable[[PackList, Entity], object]

For some entities, they have unique packing behaviour depending on keyvalues.

If the specified classname is one, return a callable that packs it.

Deprecated:Use EntityDef.engine_cls() then EntityDef.get_resources().
srctools.packlist.entclass_resources(classname: str) Iterable[Tuple[str, FileType]]

Fetch a list of resources this entity class is known to use in code.

Deprecated:Use EntityDef.engine_def() then EntityDef.get_resources().
srctools.packlist.entclass_iter() Collection[str]

Yield all classnames with known behaviour.

Deprecated:Use FGD.engine_db() instead.